
  • Industry: Medical technologies and/or combination products
  • Products/Services: A single-product organization creating a portfolio of wound care solutions via a product line acquisition 
  • Specialties: Improving the standard of wound care with an Energy First treatment protocol
  • Headquarters: Eden Prairie, MN

The Challenge

SANUWAVE was a single-product organization devoted exclusively to their dermaPACE® System, which utilized pulsed acoustic cellular expression to facilitate faster, less intrusive wound care. Though the results of this system were undeniable, expediting wound closure beyond traditional therapy methods, the market still viewed an energy-based solution as a “highly advanced last resort” thanks to outdated misconceptions about its accessibility and ease of use. After gaining access to the UltraMIST® line of ultrasound therapy devices via a product line acquisition, SANUWAVE’s portfolio expanded, affording exciting sales opportunities while challenging the brand’s identity and the company’s internal teams to remain cohesive. 

The Solution

SANUWAVE approached SCORR for help capitalizing on its expanded product portfolio. This effort began with industry-wide outreach centered around an “energy-first approach” to wound care, educating health care providers (HCPs) on the benefits of less intrusive, faster-acting therapeutic solutions. To begin, SCORR took a deep dive into targeted market intelligence, deploying voice of customer (VOC) surveys, internal company assessments, and in-depth competitor analysis to get a sense for the successes and failures of SANUWAVE’s product and brand awareness. This analysis revealed that current standard of care procedures positioned energy-based solutions at the end of traditional wound care plans, and SANUWAVE’s sales team did not have the in-house resources needed to combat this misconception. Consequently, SCORR launched a two-part campaign to help SANUWAVE effectively leverage all new product possibilities, empowering their sales team to match the right products and indications with the right HCPs.

A Big Idea

At SCORR, we believe the best brands are built on a Big Idea. This idea is a manifestation of the company’s story and message — a testament to its unique value. SCORR used robust market intelligence to get to the heart of SANUWAVE’s value proposition, crafting high-level statements to align and integrate its single-product origins with the broader future and more expansive portfolio of SANUWAVE Wound Care Technologies. The result was a new logo and tagline, as well as a revitalized brand grounded in growth opportunities. 


Streamlined Messaging and Collateral 

For medtech companies, a portfolio of medical technologies and combination products is only as good as the sales professionals and promotional collateral used to demonstrate each device’s value to health care providers. SCORR created compelling and specialized sell sheets for all SANUWAVE products, interviewing top-performing representatives to gain crucial insights and tailoring each sell sheet to the target HCP.  

Sell Sheets
Banner Stand System

SCORR helped us navigate the branding component of this acquisition from start to finish, and it really gave us the confidence we needed to move forward. They got everyone on the same page — the right page — and gave our sales team the tools they needed to tell our exciting new story.” 

Kevin Richardson, CEO of SANUWAVE Wound Care Technologies

The Outcome

By partnering with SCORR, SANUWAVE underwent a complete overhaul of their industry-wide messaging, emphasizing an “energy-first” approach in all materials and broadening the scope of what they can offer to HCPs. This messaging was methodically applied to every piece of content and collateral to fully optimize brand awareness and empower thought leadership. Additionally, SCORR helped SANUWAVE streamline and energize their sales force during a company-wide transition, supporting six-figure sales objectives across multiple distinct products and specialized markets. 

Is Your Sales Force Set Up for Success?

The 21st century has elevated customer expectations to new heights. According to a 2020 report, 66% of customers expect companies to understand their unique wants and expectations. Is your medical tehcnology sales team equipped to provide this level of service to their target HCPs? SCORR’s expert guidance in branded messaging is reinforced by top-tier promotional materials precisely tailored to meaningful HCP personas.